Sunday, March 25, 2007

From Vegas to Aukland!

Good sound, bad sound. Cover songs vs. RSSN originals. Large crowds, small crowds. I attended eleven of the RSSN concerts and witnessed a variety of highs and lows on the tour. In my opinion, one thing is for sure...each and every time Lukas Rossi stepped onto the stage he brought his voice, his energy, his style, his vulnerability, and his passion.

Did you kick off the RSSN tour in Vegas? See Lukas in his hometown, Toronto? Experience the final show in Aukland?

Lukas Rossi fans, come and share your concert experience here.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

All I want to say...

...but one sentence says it all!

Quote from Lukas Rossi:


Vote for Headspin on VH1 Top 20

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Future's Fire!

Some things I've seen
can't compare to my worst dream
and that hazy moon
will be ash in the wind real soon.
You can call me a liar...
You called it out and started a fire...
the fire, the fire, the fire

Music is a great comfort to me right now...
Thank you, Mr. Lukas Rossi.

How do you feel about Lukas' music?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Are you a fan of Lukas Rossi?

Stand up and be counted!

Come On! All Lukas Rossi fans and post your comments.

Share your 'how I became a fan of Lukas story' or just leave me a 'Boo-ya' !!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Please Note: Lukas Rossi fans need only apply!

How I became a fan of Lukas Rossi: Part I

Once upon a time....nevermind, this is not a fairytale!

I have loved all kinds of music since I can remember. One of my first recollections is me as a toddler listening to the Beatles "Yellow Submarine" booming out of my dad's stereo speakers. One of my first albums was Led Zeppelin II gifted to me from my brother. On a fateful day back in the early eighties, I was watching MTV when a video came on with a band from Australia called INXS (inks? LOL!). The video was for their song 'The One Thing' and well, it was the beginning of a lifelong fanship for me. When their lead singer Michael Hutchence died in 1997, it was a sad day for millions of INXS fans.

I kind of floated musically for the rest of the 90's and into the new century. So much music playing out there was radio worthy but not enough to get me out there to see a concert or become a real interested fan.

Fast forward to July 2005...I had vaguely heard about INXS doing a reality show but wasn't keen on the idea of them replacing their singer via the television media. Fate once again steps in as I was channel surfing and I happened to tune into the first episode of Rockstar: INXS. Well, if you know me then you know what happened after that..LOL!

Fast forward to late June 2006...I was feeling the withdrawals a few days after my last INXS concert and perusing around I chatted with the other INXS fans on the site on our feelings about another Rockstar show. I still wasn't interested myself since I am not much for the reality TV thing and why would I care about Tommy Lee, Jason, or Gilby? forming a band..meh!

Click, click, click...look here are the 'rockers' for the new season. Dilana, she looks like a rocker...Ryan, oops can't get to the link for his music, oh well...Lukas, ugh, hasn't punk gone out of style years ago.

I decided to click the link I had found to this song called 'Riddled'. I couldn't get the video to play but was able to listen to the song. Well, it was love at first listen. Something in his voice touched me inside in a way that's hard to explain...kind of like when I listen to Placido Domingo sing 'Vesti la giubba' from Pagliacci (I love Placido too...I am not ashamed!)

Okay,this is really getting long! Snip, snip to the editing room floor...let's just say the more of Lukas' music I heard, the more my appreciation for him as an artist became and the more I wanted to see good things happen for this winning this reality show and becoming the lead singer of Rockstar:Supernova!

I think I'll wait to continue my story in another post..on to the matter at hand!