Saturday, March 17, 2007

Are you a fan of Lukas Rossi?

Stand up and be counted!

Come On! All Lukas Rossi fans and post your comments.

Share your 'how I became a fan of Lukas story' or just leave me a 'Boo-ya' !!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Please Note: Lukas Rossi fans need only apply!


Anonymous said...

I love you WATT, can I love you? I am so happy that you made this blog because I too am a fan of Lukas and I love that there is somewhere to show our support for him.

I became a fan from the first note of Rebel Yell and it's been non-stop since then. Every performance, on the show and after, is better than the last, if that is even possible. I will support his career down whatever path he chooses and can't wait to see which road he takes next. Booya!

bcmo said...

Watt...what a great idea to do this..
I love Lukas Rossi..plain and simple..his talent is extraordinary. His voice, the way he commands the stage, his love of music, all just shine through when you watch him....he is the only one you can see..
I wish him a long and successful career and will always be a fan...
Wherever he goes, I'll be there..

Elisa Sherman | said...

Well, I am different.....I am a fan of all of YOU! the fans! You guys are awesome.

Rock the fuck on peeps, rock the fuck on! love ya's;)

Anonymous said...

WATT this was a wonderful idea, thank you so much!

I am a total fan of Lukas. I saw him on the show and was sold on his talent. Now that I have seen him perform on stage, I will always be a fan of his. After meeting and talking with him, seeing how he interacts with his fans I will always support him in all he does. He really cares about people and the music. Where he goes I will follow!! Yeaaahha!

Anonymous said...

Booya!!! And a HEEELLL YYYEEAAAHHH !!!the more I hear the more I love

Anonymous said...

Cool idea! Yes I am a fan!
Booya! Rock on!

~fransi~ said...

*raises glass to the room*

A toast:

Here's to you, WATT, the queen of the pics
And also Luke's fans, the ones needing a fix....

Lukas Rossi gives love in response to the hate
His fans hold their tongues, never taking the bait.

It is time ! It is Now ! We will heed to the call !
We will shout out our reasoning once and for all

We hold out our hands and proudly proclaim
He is love, he is passion, he is dragon and flame

He touches our souls and sings of our pain
Our love and our honor will forever remain

*throws glass to the floor and watches the pink champagne flow down the drain*

Sherri B. said...

WATT, thank you, thank you, thank you for this! What a brilliant idea.

Lukas Rossi is one of the most talented singer/musicians I’ve seen in a very long time. I was a fan throughout the show and was overjoyed when he won. I’ve followed the tour with just as much excitement, and was even lucky enough to see him in concert once. For me, it’s not just about the musical talent – it’s also who he is as a human being. He has qualities I truly admire and wish I had more of, like his determination, his fearlessness, and how he opens himself up completely when he’s singing. I also admire that he’s had an incredibly tough life but still has so much love left inside him, that he shares with his friends, loved ones, and fans. He’s inspired me to make better changes in my own life, and I will be a fan forever. His talent is huge, and I simply can’t wait to see what music Lukas comes up with in the future!

Anonymous said...

Lukas rocks. Those who spend their time obsessed with his personal life are just sad. Love the music.

Anonymous said...

WATT, am I a fan? Oh hell yeah. I will be forever. Never thought that I would be a such a fan of anyone at my age. But I love it, and I am glad to be able to share it with everyone else who loves Lukas and his music. It's all love

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely a Lukas Rossi fan. Count me in, yeaiiiiiyah!


Pamela said...

Well WATT, great idea! I became a fan from the first note of Rebel Yell and my admiration for him grew with each mesmerizing performance. You can tell he clearly feels and breathes music. Not only has his music inspired me but as well as his attitude towards life. Lukas has inspired me to turn my life around and make some changes that have needed to be done. He's inspired me to start writing my poems again and I've also met some of the best people ever through being a fan of Lukas. He is one of my heros and a beautiful person inside and out. I will forever be greatful to him and will follow him no matter which path he chooses.

Anonymous said...

Hey WATT babee,
Love you and I am very happy to proclaim my love for Lukas for all the world to see! What an amazing person and musician he is. He has so many wonderful qualities that I appreciate more and more. I will support him no matter what he does musically and I also support his choices in life as he has had such a hard life that I trust he knows what he is doing and who am I to pass judgement on his personal life? I love how he treats his fans and the cool relationships he has been able to cultivate with all the people he has to work and live with. He is also so funny and witty, I laugh so hard when I hear what he has to say when he is interviewed. I can listen to his music everyday, all day long and never grow bored. I love Lukas and all his true fans, especially the ones I have had the good fortune to meet:)

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech is an awesome thing!This blog is great as we know and understand that some people will do and befriend anyone to be on the Lukas Rossi train.Ill even bet youll get a visit from Lukas' sidekick too!As we all know how addicting famdom can be for some...they"ll get it anyway they can.It will be interesting to see where this goes as there is another blog that has increasing noteriety everyday.Just remember:Theres a fine line betweem cockiness and confidence"as a talented man once said...just dont forget the old saying"you are who you hang with"and yes,even talented men throw it all away for controlling partners.Good Luck W.A.T.T.I wish you the best.

~fransi~ said...

We all make our choices in life.

As simple human beings, we also resent the fact that others tend interfere and sometimes flog us for the choices that we make.(parents, friends, acquaintances, society, churches)

Respect is an offering that human beings crave from other humans in their lives. It is exemplified in honoring a person for who they are and what they make of themselves.

Respecting a person entails allowing that person the freedom and power to move with their own flow.

A life in the shadow of a disrespectful or manipulative person or persons is a life of misery. Humans can never achieve their full potential while existing within the darkness cast by the disillusioning power of another.

Those that truly love Lukas Rossi and wish for his success and happiness MUST come to the point of accepting his right to make his own choices. His right to love another and live out in the sunshine of possibilities
...away from the gloom of doubt set upon him by the disillusionists (even though some are indeed well-meaning).

This is what we propose.

That Lukas be allowed the right of any other human being... make his choices, choose his loves, maintain his career, and breathe each breath of his life freely and without tedious interference of others.

W.A.T.T. said...

Chrissy said...
Freedom of speech is an awesome thing!This blog is great as we know and understand that some people will do and befriend anyone to be on the Lukas Rossi train.Ill even bet youll get a visit from Lukas' sidekick too!As we all know how addicting famdom can be for some...they"ll get it anyway they can.It will be interesting to see where this goes as there is another blog that has increasing noteriety everyday.Just remember:Theres a fine line betweem cockiness and confidence"as a talented man once said...just dont forget the old saying"you are who you hang with"and yes,even talented men throw it all away for controlling partners.Good Luck W.A.T.T.I wish you the best.

March 18, 2007 11:36 AM

Hi Chrissy, nice of you to stop by!

1. I agree "freedom of speech" is awesome but sometimes people use it as an excuse to disguise hate or prejudice.

2. Yes, I think my blog is great but am not looking for attention from neither Lukas or Kendra. I came out of "posseland" to show that I am a Lukas fan and to exercise my "freedom of speech" too.

3. Fandom can be addicting if you let it be. I am addicted to the music though and do not worship Lukas as if he were a god. He's human, he has feelings, faults, and makes mistakes everyday, I'm sure.

4. "you are who you hang with" I'm sorry you feel that way.

I am who I want to be. I've hung out with a drug addict for over 30 years but have never felt the need to take drugs myself.

I wish you all the best too!

Anonymous said...

What up fellow fans!!

WATT great idea on the blog hunni, good job!

I first saw and heard of Lukas throught the weekly newsletter from TLEE's site. I knew staright away, that he had the look. The following week i heard him sing for the first time.... I knew he had the rockstar attitude, the voice, the look.... he was already a Rockstar!

During the summer, we got to see more of him, see him grow. We also got a sneak peak into his past ventures when songs from Cleavage and Rise Electric became available.

I hope the best for him in all he does, he deserves it!!


Anonymous said...

Its a really nice tribute to Lukas that you would do this, Watt. And to the fans also, in their support of him. I was flipping channels the 2nd week of the show and it was his soul-drenched voice that stopped me dead and made me watch. It was his passion, intensity, edge and uniqueness that kept me coming back. And the more I watched, the more I saw what a special person he appeared to be in his own right.
To me, a true artist lives and breathes their music, and such it is with Lukas. And that special bond he has with his fans, that ability to connect with them and make them feel his emotions through the songs. That's a rare find. I'm a fan no matter where the muse interesting, crazy, fun-filled, but ultimately inspirational ride it'll be, i'm sure!

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad this blog was started to support lukas and show that he does have fans who love, support, and respect him and his life. :)

i watched the first episode of rockstar the other day and got all nostalgic, but i still was caught in awe when lukas took the stage, even though i knew what was going to happen, i knew how amazing he'd be, it still leaves me with my jaw dropped.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this WATT. Like others, I have been a fan of Lukas since Rebell Yell. I adore him but I do not think he is a God, I do think he is an awesome performer and a breath of fresh air for rock and roll....something that has been needed for a while now IMO. I love his voice, his look, his attitude, and his drive. I also love the fact that he is free to do and be whatever he wants to be and I for one am not going to criticize him for decisions he makes concerning his own life. I will follow him and his career wherever it may go....and no matter what others may say or think about him. Rock On! Lukas....the possi is behind you all the way!

Anonymous said...

This is a great site, show everyone the support and love Lukas has. I love Lukas can I love him? He is so talented, he gives you chills when you see him perform how could you not!?

Anonymous said...

You know what's really cool? Very few Anonymous posts. Posting under a username isn't exactly the same as using your real name, but at least you're taking some responsibility for your words. Hiding behind the Anonymous label so that you can post hateful words and suffer no repercussions is hypocritical.

It's good that Lukas is now represented on the blogsphere by a more varied group of fans. The tiny segment of his fans with an agenda of hate, don't represent the vast majority of people who enjoy his music, and appreciate Lukas. And so for that group to be the only voice with an active blog, is a little unbalanced. Thanks for righting that WATT!

Anonymous said...

Lukas is awesome! I knew he would win the rockstar show from day one. -kathy-

Anonymous said...

Great site WATT!
I love Lukas, its pretty simple! Love the way he sings the way he performs everything about him is amazing!

T.K. said...

Yes I am a fan, of Lukas and of you!!! This blog is great, good job WATT!!!!!

I became a fan the first time I saw Lukas perform.. Rebel Yell. But I was realllly hooked after LSTNT, after that song he was gold, as far as I was concerned. And now look, I was right.. he is gold, sexy, shiny, sparkly, gold with big 10 carat diamonds and .... I'm sorry, I'm getting carried away. Yeah, I dig him, and I see I'm in great company!!! Yay!!!!

liz365 said...

WATT, thank you for this wonderful blog. I'm definitely a fan of Lukas Rossi.

I became a fan of his when I heard him sing "Rebel Yell". I absolutely love the way he sings and performs on stage.

WATT, I will follow Lukas and his music for the rest of my life :-)

Zann11 said...

Thanks WATT...I love this blog!
When I first saw Lukas on the show, it was his Celebrity Skin performance. Despite the problems he had with the song, there was just something about him that drew me in. The following week I decided to tape the show - his performance of Creep. I literally sat with my head in my hands, staring at the TV, mesmerized by every word, every move, and without any warning I began to cry.

I have never seen anyone command every note within a song like he does. There is spirituality within his voice when he sings, and within his movement onstage. I am completely taken to another world when I watch him. Yes, yes, I am indeed a fan!

KB said...

Watt, YOU ROCK!!! I'm a huge fan and supporter of Lukas. This is an awesome site. I love a positive place I can meet people, like all of you to spread the LOVE and HAPPINESS this man has shared with all of us. I will continue to follow him anywhere. He is true to his art and does not take it for granted. :) It's All LOVE baby.

The Fluffy Bunnies said...

The Fluffies are Here. Let noone put asunder.

Talent is our Love.

To love Lukas, the Posse, all good Music, is our Mission.

Everyone, your devotion and True committment is honorable. Lead on.

Hop, Hop, Hop!

Love & Peace. The Bunnies.

Anonymous said...

I am without a doubt one of his biggest fans. I adore him, worry about him, only hope the best for him. I listen to his music everyday of my life, see the show on playback every week at least. I only want him to be the brilliant artist he is and never miss any opportunities to be just that.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This a great idea. There is so much negativity going around and so little focus on why we are fans - MUSIC!.

I luv Lukas and plan to continue supporting him no matter what happens with Supernova!

Anonymous said...

You rock WATT!! Thanks so much for putting this on I have been missing Lukas's Myspace just the fact I could reach out to Lukas and other Lukas lovers! Lukas has been such an inspiration to me and my son! I can't beleive it took almost 16 years to hear of him! He is the most ingaging performer and beautiful singer I have ever heard and I can't wait for more!!

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah I'm a fan! I love reading everyones comments. Lukas rocks!

Anonymous said...

Lukas is hot! I love his voice and how he moves on stage.


Sanlin said...

Hey, W.A.T.T. Thanks for doing this. It's a lovely idea. :-)

Well, the first time I saw Lukas was on the TV show "Rock Star: Supernova." He was the only person that really stood out from the crowd. I was concerned for the first few minutes and thought "this guy had better really have the goods and not just be a poser if he wants to last." Then, he opened his mouth and sang. That was it. LOL He not only had 'the goods,' as it turned out, he was a magnificent songwriter, spellbinding performer and all around beautiful person, inside and out. He has a voice that can range from angelic in the upper register to raw, dirty, compelling and sexy in the low register. I was fortunate enough to see him and 'the boys' perform live in Vancouver and it was amazing. Best concert I've ever been to and I'd go again in a heartbeat, if I could. :-) I absolutely adore Lukas, Johnny Colt and 'the boys' and I will be a fan for life. Any good turn I can do them, ever, it will be my pleasure to support and encourage their endeavors. Booya! and Yeeeaaaiiaaahh! :-)

Glowie said...

How awesome is it to stumble upon this little bloggy on a yucky Monday morning?

Awesome, WATT.