Sunday, March 18, 2007

Future's Fire!

Some things I've seen
can't compare to my worst dream
and that hazy moon
will be ash in the wind real soon.
You can call me a liar...
You called it out and started a fire...
the fire, the fire, the fire

Music is a great comfort to me right now...
Thank you, Mr. Lukas Rossi.

How do you feel about Lukas' music?


HazyMoon said...

Lukas's music is brilliant. I was mesmerized from day one. It's unfortunate so much focus has been taken from his music and placed on his personal life.

Who did that I wonder?

Anonymous said...

I love Lukas Rossi's music. It is one of the great new sounds and I'm love watching him perform.

W.A.T.T. said...

Great question hazymoon!

I wonder who? Most people I talk to on this subject could care less but we all agree we love the music!

Anonymous said...

Because of Lukas, I have rediscovered my lost appreciation for song. From Rebel Yell, I was intrigued by the voice. Through him I discovered Cleavage and Rise Electric, and a voice that charms me every time that I hear it. I discovered an appreciation for lyrics that I never knew I had. Lukas has also helped me discover other music genres and bands that are out there right now that I never would have found. My once stressed life is now filled with the hum of music in the background that I can’t get away from. That’s what his music means to me and thank goodness for that.

Pamela said...

How do I feel about his music? I love his music. So many of his songs show real thoughts and emotion. Take Who Am I my absolute favorite..I just love this passage
But who am I
What is life
I want to know
Who is God?
Only heaven knows
What is life
I want to know
Who is God?
’cause he keeps me safe, safe
He gives me faith, faith
Only heaven, only heaven knows

His music just grabs your attention and holds you and makes you think. It's not something just thrown together to sound good. It's truly insightful and deserves more recognition then what it has been receiving lately.

Sherri B. said...

It is because of Lukas that I was brought back to music. Growing up, I couldn't go through a day without music, and it touched me in such a deep way. My moods would determine what music I would listen to, and it provided such a release for me whether I was happy or sad. Some days, if I was really emotional about something, I couldn't even listen to music because just one note and I would break open like a dam. That's how intensely powerful my connection with music was.

I had lost that connection over the years, and Lukas's music gave it all back to me. His lyrics are beautiful, and the emotion with which he sings makes them that much more powerful. I can listen to his songs over and over again and never get tired of them. He re-lit the spark in me for music, and because of him I've discovered some great new artists and listen to music all day, every day. Thank you, Lukas!

Nikkers said...

I love Lukas and everything he does. I was lucky to see him in concert and I hope I get another chance soon!

ps. Watt-your pics are the best out there...I love em!!!

Anonymous said...

Lukas Rossi is the best thing that has happened to Rock in a very, very, very...long time. Like many others, he had me from the first time he opened his mouth. He has a wonderful voice but, most of all, he has a love for his music that comes through in his songs, whether he has written them or not. I admire his individuality and his dedication to his art. He is and will continue to be a great musician - no matter what and regardless of what some people might say. Great talent is great talent - period.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Lukas, his music, anything I can get from him. I hope we hear more of his music, the real Lukas deal. I fell in love with him the second he stepped onstage with Rebel Yell and I only want him to be the biggest star on the planet - I hope he figures it out very soon.

Anonymous said...

Lukas is an amazingly talented musician and I can't wait to hear what he's working on now!

Anonymous said...

When I see the words "Lukas" and "music" together, an instantaneous smile appears on my face...

There are so many reasons that Mr. Rossi's voice and music are so extraordinary... The passion he pours into the lyrics, the soul he sings them with and the love he has for doing it, to name a few. I can listen to Lukas time and time again, songs over and over, and EACH and every single time I can FEEL the energy and emotion fill me up inside. Listening to Lukas is a mesmerizing experience that I truly enjoy, and wouldn't trade for anything.

Amazing beyond belief, to me, and many others who are devoted to his music. And that is really what it's all about.

Anonymous said...

Lukas' music!

Wow, i aint heard that for a long time.... so much focus on his personal life seems as though his music had been forgotton.

Back in June/ July songs from Cleavage and Rise Electric emerged. It was then i and many others heard these beautiful songs that we knew he could win the show. In fact it annoyed alot of us because it took him so damn long to "open up his throat" or use his "cleavage voice".
The moment he sang Creep.... is the moment i think we all got goosebumps, we all jumped for joy and did similar actions as Tommy Lee. That was the time for me when he won the show.

While i enjoy the music he is making with Supernova.... it doesnt compare to his previous ventures. Songs like Trust Me, Playboy, Crave Me, Headspin and Bored & Goregeous showcase his raw talent and emotions. Its these characteristics that i look for in an artist..... it shows that they are real.

Anonymous said...

Future's Fire is my youngest sons favorite as well as one of mine. I agree I was waiting on the show for him to open up and blow them away. Those of us that found his older stuff knew what he could do. I do like the RSSN cd. Some of the songs had to grow on me, but after I listened to them a few times I was hooked. To go back and listen to when the others sang with SN it just doesn't sound right. Lukas was the best pick for them. I want nothing but the best for him now, and in the future.


Anonymous said...

I have all his Cleavage & Rise Electric songs that I could find and love them all! I like some of the RSSN songs, mostly the ones that Lukas co-wrote such as Dead Parade!

Anonymous said...

Lukas and music together are one and the same. His songs pour out from his inner being, he writes about his life and experiences. He lives the music therefore it is him. In this world you don't see pure talent like his much anymore. Ever since I saw the Rockstar Supernova show I only listen to his music whether it is Cleavage, Rise Electric or RSSN. I never grow tired of hearing his songs or that wonderful voice.

Some of my older favorites are Drive, Car Crash, Trust Me, Kiss Me, Red from a Rose, Bored and Gorgeous, Greatest Day and Playboy. The newer ones some of my favorites are Dead Parade, Headspin, Leave the Lights on and Can't Bring Myself To Light This Fuse.

I really love all his music and look forward to hearing the new songs he has been working on. Lukas is a Rockstar and with his talent for writing and fantastic voice, he will be in the Rock scene for a very long time to come!

Anonymous said...

What I find special about Lukas Rossi's songwriting is how the lyrics can find a way into another person's life.

Does he avoid talking about the pain in his childhood and life so that the lyrics can continue to touch others?

I mean. If we knew the source of his pain for a particular lyric, wouldn't that keep us from allowing it to match up to our own source of pain?

So thinking of "That Fear" or "People Like Us" If we knew his story.. it would be harder for us to feel it in our lives personally.

I know what I mean. Do you?
Oh well. that is why I am not a blogger.

I just know that practically all of his lyrics can point to some stage of my life and make me cry.

And it is the crying that helps to release the pain and move on.

Just like I think that the anguish he displays on stage also helps him to release some of his pain.

my name is Rhonda and I look forward to the music that he is writing right now.

is it possible that the haters may actually be helping to add more wonderful music and lyrics to Lukas' list of credits?

Anonymous said...

I really love this song! I listen to his music with Cleavage and Rise Electric all the time.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am a big fan of Lukas' music, particularily HIS music. Anything he sings sounds good as well as anything he writes.

I too hate that the focus was taken off his great gift, but I think more than enough attention has been paid to that particular situation.

It's time to focus on what he can do now musically. I know it will knock my socks off.

Anonymous said...

Many of us became fans when we saw Lukas on RSSN. The first time I ever watched the show (never saw the INXS episodes) was when I was flipping stations and saw Lukas come out and sing Don’t Panic.
WOW! I was hooked!

I found rockband and made many friends there. I found his old songs with Cleavage and Rise Electric and became actively involved with myspace.

When the tickets went on sale, I splurged and bought VIP tickets before Lukas even won! I was sweating it out. I would have sold them if Dilana won.

Hazy-you ask when everything shifted from the music to the drama The shift in focus for me occurred when Kendra posted on rockband and sony. I didn’t have a problem with her posting, but then the controversy started.

I saw the screen caps and the IP addresses and am still convinced she posted as Lukas a few times. I became very disillusioned. It really shouldn’t have mattered. His personal life was none of my business, but it did matter at the time. I questioned who the real Lukas was and did he really care about his fans enough to stop someone from posting as him. Things got ugly and hurtful things were said-to Kendra and to other members.

I lost a lot of my enthusiasm and started posting less and less at rockband. It appears things escalated and I hope with the end of the tour upon us, the two camps can come to some type of truce. I really do!
There are no bad people, only people who were hurtful and hurt themselves.

I am back to the music and look forward to a collaboration between Lukas, Tommy, Johnny and maybe some members of RE. I prefer the edgier sound of RE over RSSN and hope Lukas has more creative freedom.
The best thing that came out of my discovery of Lukas is that I met a lot of wonderful people and found some amazing music!

Anonymous said...

At 42 years old, I thought my rocking days were over. Boy was that the farthest thing from the truth. I was hooked on RSSN onn the second episode and Nothing got in my way of watching it every week! I liked the fresh sound of Lukas's voice and thought he had much to offer. I couldn't be happier the way things turned out. I got to see their show in Chicago where I was also given the opportunity to meet him. He is one of the Sweetest guys I have Ever met.

Whether listening to RE or Clevage or RSSN.... it's his voice that takes me into the lyrics. I absolutely lose myself at that moment. Thank you Lukas <3 xxO