Saturday, March 17, 2007

How I became a fan of Lukas Rossi: Part I

Once upon a time....nevermind, this is not a fairytale!

I have loved all kinds of music since I can remember. One of my first recollections is me as a toddler listening to the Beatles "Yellow Submarine" booming out of my dad's stereo speakers. One of my first albums was Led Zeppelin II gifted to me from my brother. On a fateful day back in the early eighties, I was watching MTV when a video came on with a band from Australia called INXS (inks? LOL!). The video was for their song 'The One Thing' and well, it was the beginning of a lifelong fanship for me. When their lead singer Michael Hutchence died in 1997, it was a sad day for millions of INXS fans.

I kind of floated musically for the rest of the 90's and into the new century. So much music playing out there was radio worthy but not enough to get me out there to see a concert or become a real interested fan.

Fast forward to July 2005...I had vaguely heard about INXS doing a reality show but wasn't keen on the idea of them replacing their singer via the television media. Fate once again steps in as I was channel surfing and I happened to tune into the first episode of Rockstar: INXS. Well, if you know me then you know what happened after that..LOL!

Fast forward to late June 2006...I was feeling the withdrawals a few days after my last INXS concert and perusing around I chatted with the other INXS fans on the site on our feelings about another Rockstar show. I still wasn't interested myself since I am not much for the reality TV thing and why would I care about Tommy Lee, Jason, or Gilby? forming a band..meh!

Click, click, click...look here are the 'rockers' for the new season. Dilana, she looks like a rocker...Ryan, oops can't get to the link for his music, oh well...Lukas, ugh, hasn't punk gone out of style years ago.

I decided to click the link I had found to this song called 'Riddled'. I couldn't get the video to play but was able to listen to the song. Well, it was love at first listen. Something in his voice touched me inside in a way that's hard to explain...kind of like when I listen to Placido Domingo sing 'Vesti la giubba' from Pagliacci (I love Placido too...I am not ashamed!)

Okay,this is really getting long! Snip, snip to the editing room floor...let's just say the more of Lukas' music I heard, the more my appreciation for him as an artist became and the more I wanted to see good things happen for this winning this reality show and becoming the lead singer of Rockstar:Supernova!

I think I'll wait to continue my story in another post..on to the matter at hand!


woyto said...

Hell yah Im a lukas fan.He is so FN hot. I love the way he looks and the way he moves and of course the way he sounds.I love u 2 watt 4 your contribution 2 bored and gorgeous.I love 2 live in LUKAS WORLD. Oh yah I became a fan the first time I heard him

Solleyta said...

Lukas is an amazing human being as well as a passionate performer and lyricist. I will follow his career wherever it takes him. I expect to be doing this for the next 25-30 years as the world gradually comes to the realization that he represents the new direction in which music is taking.

Anonymous said...

WATT, I love that you did this. And I love that you are so committed to the music and the boy, as well as his fans.

Your dedication to providing us with concert footage and pics, in the face of any odds is incredible, and I love you for it. And I know it's particularly appreciated by those who have been unable to attend his shows.

He's such an incredible talent, a shining light on the horizon, and I'm so glad I found him and his music.

Wherever his path leads him I will follow. I marvel at this talented, creative and visionary artist. He's brought music back into my life and I'm very grateful for that.

You rawk WATT. Love ya

Anonymous said...

I bacame a Lukas fan the day he performed Rebel Yell. His voice and showmanship blew me away. When he did Creep he gave me chills. Tommy even said he had goosebumps from the high notes. There is no way they could not have picked him and been fair. His vocal range is out of this world and he definitely has the "X" factor, a true Rockstar!

I have been to only 4 concerts and can tell you he has totally rocked that stage each time. He puts so much emotion in some of his songs that you can literally see how it drains him. He also makes sure to move across the entire stage so the entire audience can see the wonderful show he puts on.

Lukas Rossi is a true Rockstar in mind, spirit and when he performs. His years of dedication playing to bars of empty beer bottles and ashtrays have paid off. No matter what some others say Lukas Rossi is and will always be a Rockstar! He does it for the love of the music and fans. That makes him a winner in my book and I will support him no matter where his path leads him. Lukas you Rock baby!

Anonymous said...

I remember looking at Lukas the first time too thinking...who is the punk..he can't back up that look. Rebel Yell...okay, I'll watch him.
But when I really jumped on the band wagon was LSTNT. How ANYONE could have me enjoy a Rolling Stones tune, I will never understand. He truly showed his talent in turning the song around and making it his own...that's when I became a "fan". His talent is endless.

Music is now in my life again and I have Lukas to thank for it. And I have you to thank for a positive outlet to let people know how much we appreciate him...Thanks are the greatest!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this, I love how you support Lukas! He had me interested with Rebel Yell. From then on I watched with growing excitement as he sang his way into my heart. Then he did Creep and I fell madly permanently in love with him. I thought he will never top that, then he sang Headspin. I watched him sing so soulfully and show a depth of love and hurt that I have not seen before and I loved him more. From his early Cleavage through his Rise Electric to his RSS music I have been mesmerized, thrilled and overjoyed at how beautiful he sings and how utterly involved he becomes when he sings. He is a joy to hear and thrilling to watch. I will forever be his fan and will follow him wherever he goes.
What life choices he chooses to make are not mine to dictate. Who he chooses to spend his time with is not my business. I am his fan and that only gives me the privilege to enjoy his music and support him however I can. That is all I should be entitled to.
Thank you for giving me a way to express how I feel and show support for him.

Anonymous said...

When Lukas sang Headspin at first I was enthralled and then deeply saddened by his so obvious anger and hurt. So I had to watch again and again; I found myself waiting for the part when he starts growling and then stomps across the stage letting out all of his anger and hurt, letting us all see and feel what he did. I began to see a person cleansing himself of a pain and a confusion that he had carried for a long time. I found I was cheering.. yeah!! let it out!!! Get it all out and let it go. From then on he has performed Headspin on almost all of his appearances but none as intense as openly raw, as ragged as that first time on Rock Star Supernova. I like to think he did achieve that release. I hope he came to an understanding within himself of what he felt and what he must let go. He deserves to have that peace.
He is the ultimate performer. He can take you with him wherever he wishes to go. He can make you enjoy a totally silly song (round and round anyone?) or make you shed a tear with one he feels in his soul (Fuse). I wish for him a long successful career. I will be with him wherever it goes.

Anonymous said...

Good on ya Watt! It was great meeting you in Cali, hope we run into each other again in May!

How did I become a Lukas Rossi fan? Well it was many years ago, a band I knew was playing and invited me to the soundcheck (since I was underage). Well, they were late and it was COLD! Eventually one of the opening bands showed up but could not load in their gear cause the door to the bar was locked. I offered the lead singer my cell phone with the bar's phone number and he invited me and my friend in for soundcheck. I fell in love with his band that night, saw them many more times, and then years later that lead singer went on a reality tv show and you know the rest. ;)


Anonymous said...

At an early age I was fortunate to go see the Beatles when I was ten years old. I saw many bands later on starting at 19, Led Zeppelin, Stones, Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton, Joe Cocker and so many more. For the past few years I had lost my interest in music, nothing excited me anymore. Then I watched RockStar and there was Lukas. OMG he made me come alive again. I was lucky enough to go to one of their concerts and learned to love Juke Kartel and the Panic Channel also. My love for music came alive again and made my life better. Going through many medical problems now makes my life very depressing, but all I have to do is watch a Lukas video or listen to one of his songs and I smile again. You're never too old to rock. Thank you Lukas for giving me back some joy in my life.
Formerly ORC
(Kudos to you WATT)

Anonymous said...

Great idea WATT. The first thing I thought about Lukas was "wow what happened to this poor guy that he has built this 'I don't care' persona". Fortunately he had the talent to overcome the attitude...every performance made me realize what a truly amazing man he was and how passionate he was about his craft. I waited with baited breath for each show and webisode and scoured the internet for information about him...the more I saw the more entranced I became. There is just something about this guy that makes me crazy...I'm not a teenager and yet feel like one when I see Lukas perform. No matter what he does I will follow his career...

shawbis said...

Great blog WATT! Love everything you have done for Lukas. Myself and my two daughters are huge Lukas fans! Have seen him once already in concert and can't wait to see him again. Whether he tours with RSSN or RE we will be there supporting him all the way!

Anonymous said...

Hi WATT, like you, I was a fan of Rockstar INXS; I watched the show faithfully and voted online and couldn't wait to see the second season, Rockstar Supernova.

When Lukas sang Rebel Yell on the first show, my eyes watered...I was hooked!...his voice, his movements on stage, everything about him had me drawn in to him. I felt so confident that Lukas would win, I purchased my concert tix before Tommy revealed 'you're our boy'

Unlike RS INXS, I discovered that not only could I vote but I could also go on to MSN message boards and share my thoughts with so many others who felt the same way.

So many great friendships have been formed thanks to Lukas and his fan clubs-Rossi Posse, Lukatics, TLRC, myspaces and street teams and so many others all dedicated to Lukas' and RSSN success - I've met some wonderful people and have had the BEST time!

I love all the stories; fan encounters, reviews, pics (WATT, your pics are AMAZING!) -

Cheers! & Lukahugs!!!

Anonymous said...

Watt, what a great idea...the Anti-Pink blog. Hopefully all those angry, hate-filled people lost out there in their pink hole will one day find their way out from under all that hatred.

I first became an admirer of Luke when most of the other people commenting here did. When I first saw him take the stage last summer singing Rebel Yell, I was impressed and intrigued.

As I sought out his music, I realized his music is the voice of his soul. He is a gifted lyricist and singer, and a special human being.

I've truly gained a genuine affection and admiration for him. I love his music, but I also love that he is such a sweet, loving and giving human being who opens his heart to everyone.

It pains me to see hatred expressed in any form, but especially for someone who has done nothing but show love for everyone despite having been so hurt in his life.

I will support him and his music for as long as he shares it with us.


Anonymous said...

WATT - Great idea!! I adore you for promoting the absolute LOVE that so many of us have for Lukas.

Love we continue to have for all sides of him, his talent, versatility, compassion, dedication, genuine spirit and the love he has for his fans. He is a true shining treasure which I'm sure we will continue to support for years to come, the people who have seen and heard pieces of Lukas that have touched our very core so deeply.

Thank you WATT! You are truly appreciated. Luv ya,

dwhales2c said...

Here is how I came to be a Lukas Rossi fan:

One bored summer night I was channel surfing for something on TV. I happened onto RSSN and this cool looking kid swaggered out on stage to sing Billy Idol's Rebel Yell and he made it his own! Yes, he had me at Rebel Yell!

I immediately went onto the internet to search for anything I could find on Lukas Rossi and I found songs by Cleavage and Rise Electric. With every beautiful song I heard I was in deeper and deeper. I hadn't been this excited about a single musician since Bono and Michael Hutchence! Lukas awakened the music fan in me that I thought was long gone. I will follow his career wherever he goes!

He has a true God given talent and you can just see that he has music in his soul, which has touched MY soul!

Kim, Va Beach VA

Anonymous said...

Most definitely a Lukas fan here. From his music to his personality to his ever evolving style, the man is top-notch. I became a fan throughout the course of the show, and will continue to lend my support no matter where his career takes him. Love that you're spreadin' the love WATT, it's so needed.

dwhales2c said...

Oh, I got so caught up in my story I forgot to say: Thanks for doing this WATT! I say we Lukas fans spread the word all over the net! I know I will.


loralee said...

WATT, I am overwhelmed by your generosity to us at Rockband and the Rossi Posse. Thank you for your amazing concert pictures and videos. I love your attitude, the fact that you have chosen to live your life as you wish and as you see fit, with no apologies.

This is something that I have seen and admired in Lukas Rossi as well. The fact that he is not afraid to be himself and express himself in his music. He is a unique and charismatic individual, a true talent - a rarity these days. He reminds me of Michael Hutchence, a musician I was a huge fan of back in the day.

Thank you for taking the time to give us, the fans, a new safe place to squee about the man!

Anonymous said...

Hell Yeah I love everything about 'Our Boy'!!!

Lukas had me hooked from the first time I set eyes on him - Then hearing him sing and watching his amazing performances I became a total Lukaholic - Can't ever get enough!!!...

Thanks for giving us another place to share the Lukas Love!

Sherri B. said...

I absolutely love Lukas’s music, and because of it, my passion for ALL music has come back to me. I am so grateful to him for that because for many years I had stopped listening. His lyrics are incredibly beautiful, and the emotion with which he sings them make them that much more powerful. I can’t think of another living musician who sings with the heart wrenching emotion that Lukas does. It’s so unique and special, and is a God-given gift. I’m so thankful he’s using it to give back to the world!

I respect Lukas’s abilities as a musician so much, and I know he’ll come up with absolutely incredible music in the coming years. As others have said, I am a fan of Lukas because of his music and his showmanship, and also because of the way he treats others. Who he dates is none of my business, and has no effect on how I admire his music.

I’m so grateful for this blog that offsets the negative, hateful energy of other blogs out there. I feel it’s very underhanded for the people on those blogs to viciously attack Lukas and his loved ones under the guise of “constructive criticism”. When people are genuinely offering constructive criticism, it comes from a place of dignity, respect, and good intentions. With a very few exceptions, what I have seen on those other blogs has had no sign of dignity or respect, and their intentions are definitely not pure.

Anonymous said...

WATT how wonderful we have another place to go to. Thank you!!

I like the rest He had me with Rebel Yell. I watched the show the first year and was so excited to see it come back. I was shocked to realize I really enjoied the 2nd one more than the first. The first year I didn't go on-line to see all the extras or even vote. I just sat back and watched it play out. Well season 2 I had to find all the extra stuff I could. It lead me to RB and to many great people. I found a love for music again both in Lukas and Toby. I will follow Lukas' career as well as Juke Kartel.

Much Love to you WATT!!
To Lukas and The Juke Boys also.

Anonymous said...

wow-typed this whole long story and just lost it! Anyhow like others he had me hooked the first show. I went online right after the first show and spent a week trying to find out anything I could on the Lukas Rossi guy. I ended up at youtube and saw the acoustic Headspin..I cried it was so good. By the end of week 2 I was on the MSN message boards and found these crazy women who were calling themselves Lukatics! The rest is history!

Anonymous said...

Great idea WATT!!!
I loved meeting you at the Everett VIP dinner! I wished we could have spoken more but I was amping man!
I don't have time to comment now, cause I'm packing and leaving for Mexico tomorra. But I just had to drop my "to do" list and let you know I think this blogg is a Lukafabulous idea!
Back at you later, Lukahugs, Tobyluk....lukatic.

C2S said...

Wow, were to start I guess at the beginning. I watched RS only because my niece was staying with us and wanted to watch it. I’m not really into reality TV and was sure this would be an American Idol for bad rock songs! Well first to perform was Dilana (she didn’t look like an AI contestant) and Nirvana’s Lithium - maybe the music would be OK after all. Well I thought she was amazing – so we didn’t turn the channel, then some other people performed – none of them really caught my eye and I almost wandered away to do something else – then Lukas came on stage, after his performance I thought to myself whatever “IT” is this guy has “IT.”

So started my obsession watching RS, looking up anything to do with Lukas online and even VOTING!!! (If only my friends knew!) One night while searching the RS site for any new tidbits on Lukas I stumbled upon the words “message board” this began another new frontier for me - I click on it and found the “We are the Lukatics” thread. Here I met some wonderful people who all shared my love of Lukas and good music! I never knew this online world even existed. I set up a “my space” page, dusted off my ipod and started downloaded everything Lukas had ever done.

Now I must say I’m no teeny bobber (I’m 40 something) and I have seen a lot of live music in my day starting with a Robert Plant obsession at 13! I heard a lot of people here say that Lukas renewed their passion for music and I feel the same way. I was lucky enough to see two RS:SN shows and Lukas is an amazing performer – I literally could not take my eyes off him on stage and well no once since Robert has done that for me!!! I can’t wait to see what Lukas will do next with his music – I’m sure that we will be captivated!

As for his personal life- “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

Anonymous said...

From the first time I saw Lukas perform on Rockstar, I knew he had that special 'it' factor that few artist today possess. I wasn't able to go to a concert this round but I can't wait for the opportunity to see him live.

Anonymous said...

Oh, W.A.T.T. - you are so beautiful to start this blog.
Thanks :)
I really appreciate uniqueness with talent, and Mr. Lukas Rossi always gives me his all.
He is Passion In Action.
Hell yeah!
The beauty of love will forever triumph over soul suffocating hatred.

Anonymous said...

Darn, I wrote this out before but it got lost in cyberspace so I will try again. As a Canadian, I was lucky enough to get to watch 'Road to Rockstar' several weeks before RSSN began. I was interested in seeing what Canadian talent we would have representing Canada this year. They even came to Calgary this year for auditions, but as soon as I saw Lukas I thought, there is another guy from Toronto who has had a hard life but isn't going to let it get him down. Music seemed so important to Lukas and I still listen to the interview he did when he sang Lightning Crashes when he says "I think if you don't sweat, you're doing something know what I mean? It's like playing anything, like a game of basketball, those guys sweat like crazy man, they gotta do what they... they gotta win... you gotta play with emotion. I want to win, I just want to be part of that band. Get me on stage and I'll do what I gotta do." I could tell that he really meant it and I wanted to see what he would do when he got on stage. Well, everyone knows what happened when he did Rebel Yell..."Can you say f**ing Rockstar!"
Yep, I could and did and proclaimed him the winner then and there! It was a crazy roller coaster ride because of Mark Burnett, but it was fun and the best way to spend my summer holiday:) I was so glad to see the Rossi Posse appear at RB and find other people who could look beyond the makeup and cocky attitude to find the sweetheart hiding behind all that swagger. As a teacher of teenagers, I know all about the attitude, but you soon learn to look beyond the surface to find the real person behind the facade and Lukas has so much to offer. He inspires me with how brave he is and how well he can rise above the hate and ugliness and show love and goodness to others. His determination is amazing and I love his ability to put all his emotions and feelings into his lyrics and his songs. I love watching him perform when he goes into his own space and totally connects with the words he is singing. i could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. Yes, Lukas is a rockstar and I will support him 100% in all that he does, because I believe in him.

Anonymous said...

I "fell in love" with the sweet and sexy Lukas Rossi the very first time I ever saw/heard him, and I have been "in love" with him ever since. I was captivated by his charisma. I became lost not only in his lyrics, but in his eyes. Lukas lured me in with his amazing voice and spoke to my soul with his words. And when I spent time with him in Cali he showed me his heart. He truly has the most beautiful soul I have ever seen. He is so much more than a passionate performer....he is an angel who has lifted so many of us up from dark days and tough times. He is a bright and shining light that gives me faith. Because of Lukas I believe.

It sickens me to see the things that these other sites say about him. They proclaim to love him and relentlessly bash him, his girlfriend and his true fans. I always knew jealousy was an ugly monster, but those girls ought to be ashamed of themselves. Lukas and the posse will RISE above every single word they write. Twisted lies will not bring any of us down...they will only make us stronger.....ONE LOVE!!

And to Lukas....
From my heart to yours, it's all love for you sweetie. You know how much I love you...truly, madly, deeply. I will always believe in you!! So keep on rocking s*it babe...don't let the haters bring you down. Stay sweet and sexy.

your girl, Lust4Lukas (Stacy)