Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Peeps & Lukas Rossi

So the peeps and I put some flyers together for Lukas' accoustic tour...

then hopped into a 'banana yellow' PT Cruiser and headed to LA this Saturday...
Are we there yet?

We met up with our friends Ari and Melinda, then drove up to Hollywood. The peeps had many good ideas on where to post flyers...

They did get a little distracted window shopping at Hustler...

but they returned to the task at hand...promoting Lukas' upcoming show at 'The Key Club' this Wednesday! After we handed out flyers by outside some clubs, we stopped by a local place for a bit of refreshment. The best part of my peeps LA adventure was of course getting to hang out a little with Lukas and his lovely wife.

Lukas and his peeps!
The peeps and I will see some of you this Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo, Lukas and his peeps! Only the first part of the journey...

Anonymous said...

Oh Watt that was so cute. Love it! Looks like Lukas was liking the peeps too.


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, the peeps make another appearance...that's exciting because I know those peeps follow the beautiful music.

Sherri B. said...

It sounds like you all had a, love, love Lukas with his peeps! I so wish I could've been there -- thanks for sharing the pictures and giving us a taste of what your fun day was like. :~)

Anonymous said...

Okay WATT I found the story! How cool that was of him and Kendra. I loved the bunny peeps, he looks so cute holding them. Can't what to see you in Vegas!

Love, jody

TourPeep said...

It was so fun hangin with the Peeps...

I'm looking forward to more Peepalisious adventures!