Sunday, March 25, 2007

From Vegas to Aukland!

Good sound, bad sound. Cover songs vs. RSSN originals. Large crowds, small crowds. I attended eleven of the RSSN concerts and witnessed a variety of highs and lows on the tour. In my opinion, one thing is for sure...each and every time Lukas Rossi stepped onto the stage he brought his voice, his energy, his style, his vulnerability, and his passion.

Did you kick off the RSSN tour in Vegas? See Lukas in his hometown, Toronto? Experience the final show in Aukland?

Lukas Rossi fans, come and share your concert experience here.


Sherri B. said...

I was lucky enough to see Lukas perform in Norfolk, Va. It was my first concert in about 20 years...that just shows you the effect Lukas's music has had on me, that I actually traveled and stayed overnight to see a concert after so many years! My DH and DD came with me, and it was DD's first concert experience. As she said afterwards, "That was the best night of my life."

It truly was a magical evening, because not only did I see Lukas live, but I got to meet some of the wonderful fellow fans of Lukas from And you know what? Fans of Lukas are very special people! As I said, the evening was magical, and thanks to some wonderful friends (you know who you are!), we ended up moving from our "far away" seats all the way up to front row center, right at the stage and close enough to reach out and touch Lukas. DD was against the stage and I was immediately behind her. It was truly awesome to witness Lukas perform that close to us...the whole thing was surreal and went by very quickly. He sings with such heart and soul and it was pure pleasure to see him live. He takes that music inside him and spits it back out with such heart and soul -- it's breathtaking to watch, and the fans feel every moment of it.

I can't wait to see him perform again, and as long as there is breath left in me, I will be a fan. We weren't fortunate enough to meet Lukas that night, but it is on my life list to one day meet Lukas and shake his hand (or maybe get a hug). :~) I just want to look in his eyes once before I leave this earth and let him know how much I appreciate both who he is and his beautiful music! That sounds really cheesy, I know, but it comes from the heart. So be it.

Anonymous said...

Rossi Rocks live! Anyone who has the opportunity in the future (hopefully sooner than later) should see him! His voice is even better than on TV of course and he has amazing energy performance-wise.

Glowie said...

Eleven? Eleven?! I haven't been able to get to one. But Yay for you!

Anonymous said...

My first concert was in Orlando, Fl. This is a partial review the original is on the RB and is way to long for this blog.

My friend and I got to the HardRock just before the doors opened. It was general admission, so if you wanted the front row area you had to hurry. I was short and had to sweet talk some guys so I could get about 4-5 rows closer and ended up in the 2nd row. Unfortunately, I was the shortest person in that area and couldn't see much. I had to deal with a few drunks and get just a little physical with a woman who kept ramming into me and others. She finally calmed down and we all began to enjoy the concert.

Juke Kartel and Panic Channel came out and rocked the place, but on this blog I want to talk about RSSN and Lukas. Earlier when the other groups were on stage Lukas was on the side of the stage watching. He would peek out from time to time and got the crowd excited!

Tommy started to tease the audience and started to play with the curtain by his drums before they came out.

The guys came out and the crowd went wild! I was right in front of Gilby and couldn't see Johnny very well. I don't remember the order of the songs but Lukas sounded so good. Bittersweet Symphony was so freaking great! Not in order but Boys of Summer, Headspin and "Lets spend the night together". Pretty much all the songs from the album.

Lukas stopped and talked to us for a few minutes saying "It smells like sex in here tonight" and that he was horny and wanted to f**k everyone. The crowd was in an uproar!

He then dedicated the song "Can't Bring Myself to Light This Fuse" to the women of the audience.
Lukas controlled the stage with his beautiful dance and squatting and pausing in front of the audience from time to time as if to tease the women.

He was amazing to watch and his voice was perfection. The drum and bass guitar sometimes were too loud, which made it difficult to hear Lukas on a couple of songs.

Eventhough I had a hard time seeing due to me being height challanged, it was a wonderful night. I really wanted to meet him that night but it just wasn't meant to be. The concert was amazing! Little did I know more concerts were in my future.

Anonymous said...

I saw him perform in Wellington New Zealand - we live 4 hours or so away and went specially. The concert was fantastic - only down side was RSSN only played for about 50 minutes and had one encore song.....mind you I could have sat all night and the next day listening to Lukas sing....sigh!

Really hope they put out another CD soon or if the band should ever fold Lukas continues even as a solo artist.
He is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Okay, WATT, here goes…I saw two shows myself. The first was Atlantic City, and well, it wasn’t good, for me at least. The sound was deafening, it actually hurt me, not just my ears, my body. The crowd wasn’t into it. It was very strange feeling. Lukas still gave it his all. He strained to be heard, he moved, spun, twisted, he growled…it was great to watch. Since I knew all the songs, I could sort of hear the words. If you weren’t familiar with the album, which a lot of people weren’t, I’m sure it was not a good experience. I was so disappointed by the concert, as was Supernova I think. I believe this was the first concert that they did not do an encore for…no confetti for me!!
Four days later they were playing in Philly, not too far from me. I took a leap of faith and purchased a single ticket 6 hours before the show. I knew that RSSN/Lukas was not the band I saw four days earlier…I went by myself…oh how sad..but I am so glad I did it! It was a totally different show and experience. The sound was sooo much better. Granted it was still really loud, but I could hear Lukas’ awesome voice through the music. I almost had tears in my eyes when they started with Underdog…all the guitars going and I still heard that magnificent voice. Headspin....oh my…took my breath away. The song that really got me that night was Home…a duet with Toby…the crowd was silent, just mesmerized, or was it just me? We were one the fortunate ones who got to experience that song.
The crowd was much more appreciative of the band and the band seemed to soak that up. I could feel something different in the air, I don’t know how to explain it. I guess that is why we got LSTNT for an encore…my song! It was an awesome experience and I am so glad that I took the leap in going by myself. I’m usually the one who feels sorry for the person who is at the movies by themselves, and for Lukas I became that person, and I was proud of myself for it! I never would have done that before. To hear and see that man on stage, I would do it over and over again. Thanks for letting me relive those two very different nights.

Anonymous said...

I went to the Chicago show. It was a great time. The sound was perfect. The show steller. I would have to say I would have liked for it to have a longer concert with more of the songs form the CD. I really missed Dead Parade. The only other thing was NO ENCORE!! WT I just don't get the people of Chicago. I do realize that if they had done an Encore Tommy would have been late for his DJ Gig. Then we would have had the chance to get the awesome pics we did. Nor get the chance to meet the Guys. All in all it was a blast. I would do it again in a second. If I could go back a do anything different. I would make sure to speak to Lukas. I do have a picture and some wonderful memories of a great evening. It was also nice to meet some others fans as well. WATT again I hated leaving you be yourself at your Hotel. It was nice to meet you. There was a guy that sat next to me at the concert. I have no clue who he was. He was a cutie though. I am sure his wife or girlfriend who ever she was got a little upset that he spent so much time talking to me. He asked lots of questions. He had no clue Toby had his own band. He thought they were really good. I didn't get a chance to talk to him after Supernova was on. My sister and I had changed seats so I could see and try to get pictures. Two ladies had snuck up closer and blocked my view a little. Wonder who that was choughsterlingandjojocough. Love ladies lol. It's all good. The guy on my other side in my new seat thought I was nuts or so he looked at me that way. Oh well to each their own. I was having a good time.
The after party was the best.


Anonymous said...

Vancouver Feb.19th Queen Elizabeth Theatre...A night for the memory books! I traveled to get there, but it was so damn worth it!!

One of the major hilites for me was being present for the SN sound check...there were only 6 of us sitting in the first few rows, it was like a mini private concert! You couldn't have wiped the big ass smile offa my face no matter how hard you tried. I swear I almost cried during Fuse, hearing Lukas belt out those notes so clearly...t'was heavenly!!!

Then afterwards I was lucky enough to be able to chat with Lukey briefly and give him a truly meaningful gift from his Posse and myself...Plus I looked deep into his beautiful, soul filled eyes, and it made me warm n fuzzy to say the least. He is so amazing.

I wrote a long novel (LOL) detailing the whole evening in the Rockband Events Thread if anyone cares to read it...Lots of great stories there! The concert itself was absolutely mind blowing in Vancouver...I would do it again (and again!) in half a heartbeat for sure.

I hope that one day I will be able to experience Lukas live again, whether it be him singing with that lovely voice, or just chillin and having a cold one...either way it would be another kick ass time I'm sure. He is just such an inspiration to so many of us.

Anonymous said...

No concert experience for me. I just lived mine through all you that got to go. Thank you for all the wonderful reviews and many many beautiful pictures.
Maybe with the new band name and newer sound there will be an even bigger tour coming up...I'll be waiting.

Anonymous said...

Good topic choice, Watt:)
My favorite thing to think about-reliving my concert experience, where I got to meet WATT and Fransi and Harpstar and lots of other Lukas fans! My daughter initiated our going to a RSSN concert because it was my 50th birthday and she knew how much I loved Lukas and wanted to see him in concert! We ended up flying from Calgary, Alberta to Vancouver, BC- renting a car and driving down to Everett, Washington. What an adventure for the two of us! It cost us a fortune, but it was worth every penny, and we have 300 pictures to prove it:) We managed to get 2nd row tickets, which meant we were given a wristband that allowed us to stand right up against the barrier by the stage, and since we were with WATT and Fransi who had front row centre tickets we stood...FRONT ROW CENTRE!! What a blast. Standing beside WATT as she took videos of several of the songs was fantastic, because when I watch the videos I can say-I was standing right beside the person taking that video! Everett, Washington-LUKAS was ON from the moment he stepped onto the stage until the last note of Purple Rain rang out. He was right in our faces, looking into our eyes and singing his heart out. I was so focused on Lukas, that I honestly didn't notice the ladies playing the stringed instruments-I would've said they weren't there that night, except that I can see them playing in WATT's video!Lukas pulled me into his world and I was lost in his music, his moves, his sexy voice and his emotion. I couldn't believe it when he started singing Fuse. How could it be over already? Thank goodness my daughter took so many pictures for us to look at and relive our concert experience. Thanks for the memories, Lukas:)

W.A.T.T. said...

Okay here I I am rating these against the ones I attended.

Concert: Las Vegas NYE

Crowd: Outta control, drunk and not quite sure what band was playing.

Band: Loud! Having TLee's drum kit in the small contained area - not a good thing.

Lukas: Glitter..I remember the heavy glitter eye shadow. He did his moves all around the stage..sang his heart out. I especially loved 'The Dead Parade' and 'Bittersweet Symphony'

Sound: Not so good..Luke was drowned out numerous times, especially when walked further back on the stage.

Grade: 7 outta 10

W.A.T.T. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
W.A.T.T. said...

Concert: Wallingford, CT

Crowd: Pretty full! Posse and other Lukas fans surrounded me..also quite a few TLee fans.

Band: Tighter than when I had seen them in Vegas! TLee's drums were loud but the sound was fantastic in this venue.

Lukas: Wearing his 'Creep' jacket..oh the memories of last summer *sigh*. The first time I heard "This is My Home" live. Loved it except for the Toby name screaming interruption.

Sound: As I said above..fantastic. Improvements made so Luke's voice was crystal clear to me.

Grade: 8.7 outta 10

Still echoes... said...

Hey WATT, I saw Lukas in Sydney in March! The most amazing experience of my short life so far.

My concert review was written at 2am after returning from the concert, covered in silver tinsel and sweaty from the excitement of a Lukas rush. It can be read in full on teh forum but here is a small snippet for your survey to show what a truly amazing person he is...

"Well Lukas has swaggered his way across the stage in Sydney, I have silver tinsel down my cleavage, my new favourite song is FUSE and it's official, Lukas Rossi is the sexiest dude in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I arrived at the venue about 40 minutes before Juke Kartel took the stage. I opted not to join the line for T shirts and instead decided to get as close to the stage as possible. There were already a few rows of people standing on the floor, up close to the barrier so I headed to the left of the stage and stood myself as close as possible to some tall dude who might take pity on a short girl from Sydney! I was one row back!!!

During the wait for the first act, Lukas' song, Greatest Day was playing, so I sang along, listening out for anyone else who might know the words... nup, no-one yet.

As the time got closer to JK's start, the crowd started getting a bit closer and I felt them start to crowd in behind me. I'm 5 foot nothing and there's not much of me, so I took a wider stance, in an effort not to get pushed out of the way or trodden on. I had one tall dude in front of me so my view was a bit of head and some shoulder through most of JK's set. Didn't stop me bouncing up and down with the rest of the crowd though!

Next up, Lukas and the boys.

It was about a 30 minute intermission and the tall dude in front of me decides to turn around... I had been viewing JK through the space between his neck and his thrusting arms... not a bad view but I had to be careful he didn't head butt me in the face when he was moshing!! lol

So anyway, he turns around and says, "Can you see?" I used my little girl voice and said "Sort of" giving him a shy smile. "Well do you want to stand in front of me?" YIPPEEEEEEE, I was in the front row, up against the metal barrier!!! In full view of the stage... ready and waiting for LUKAS!!!!!!!!

Waiting waiting waiting... and suddenly these voices start - Lukas talking about something - the same as in the US and Canada... "What happens at a Supernova concert, stays at a Supernova concert".

Then the drums begin!! They are so deep and loud they go straight to my heart... the crowd pushes further forward, start a roaring cheer and it's on!!

Tommy, Colt and Gilby take the stage, and then, up in front of me from the left comes Lukes, crawling and groaning his way onto the Hordern Pavillion stage, ready to give us the concert of our lives!

I quickly take note of what he's wearing - I know the Posse are going to want a Lid to Tuk report... here goes.

From the bottom -
Red and black checkered shoes (the usual?)
Those gorgeous black buckle pants - Yumm
A black and white striped belt
A red and black diagonalled stripey T shirt that rose up at times (I SAW LUKAS SKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
What else....

The black jacket with the purple lining - gorgeous. Has a black rose pattern in it when you get up close!
A Cherry Red hankie in his left hand pocket
His usual crucifix
And no glasses!!!!!!!!!!! Those beautiful eyes were there for all to see.Man that guy can move - sometimes he looks like an epileptic on crack and other times he spins like a 4 year old on a merry go round...

A lot of you have mentioned the eyes, and here we were lucky enough to have the entire concert sunglasses free. We had his beatiful eyes to look upon and man he is mesmorising!!

He was so very generous with himself during the concert. He moved all around the stage so all of the audience could see him - a lot of the time he came down to our level, on the floor walking along the barrier.
One of these times, during Dead Parade, he hops down and starts moving my way!! Damn he is sparkling and sweating and really loving the attention.

He moves right up next to me, not 12 inches away! and stops to sing a chorus... Oh Mannn!!! So close I can touch him!!!

So I do... I think, what would a true Posse member do???

I gently touch the left hand side of his beautiful jacket and pat out the beat of Dead Parade for about 10 seconds on his beautiful body(Not too hard as I don't want to bruise him - I promised I would send him home -safe and sound with only a FEW finger prints on him) ha ha ha.

Amazingly he stays where he is so I decide to be brave and lower my hand! GOD! Am I really doing this?

I pat his beautiful butt for another few beats before he starts to move away. As he does so he takes my hand and gives it a squeeze!!!! Oh so lovely - what an experience - I will dream of him tonight...