Friday, April 13, 2007

Meeting Lukas - How I became a fan of Lukas Rossi: Part II

Intanto amici, qua,
Beviamone un bicchiere.
Viva il vino spumeggiante
Nel bicchiere scintillante
Come il riso dell’amante
Mite infonde il giubilo!
Viva il vino ch’è sincero,
Che ci alleta ogni pensiero,
E che affoga l’umor nero
Nell’ebbrezza tenera.
Viva! Ai vostri amori!
Viva! Alla fortuna vostra!

from Cavalleria Rusticana
(translation to follow)

mamaWATT with Lukas at Bite of Las Vegas!

She's almost 70 years young but still rocks and she loves Lukas' music. I asked her why she liked Lukas after she saw him perform live on RS:SN for the first time. She couldn't quite explain it a first but later said it was something she saw in his eyes that touched her heart and of course she thought he rocked the song too! She's had a few fan encounters with Lukas and he has been a real sweetheart to her each time.

Like mamaWATT, some of us have had an opportunity to meet Lukas before or during the tour. He has made himself accessible to his fans whenever possible and truly appreciates our enthusiasm. He has been pleasantly surprised by how much we know about his Cleavage / Rise Electric music and our personal takes on the meaning of his lyrics. I always get a kick after watching another fan meet Lukas and hear them remark on how different he is off the stage or away from a camera. Underneath the stylish clothes and behind those sunglasses is a real person..a little humble, a little brash, a little boyish, a little wicked...and a helluva lot of talent! That's why I'm a fan.

Here's the translation of my little opera verses above:
Come here, my friends
let's drink a glass of wine!
Here's to the foaming wine
in the sparking glass
like a lover's smile
in the midst of our rejoicing!
Here's to the pure wine,
that lightens all our thoughts
and stifles dark moods
in sweet intoxication.
Cheers! To those we love!
Cheers! To your happiness!



Anonymous said...

I met Lukas for the first time in Chicago. We were at the Enclave and I had just met Toby and asked him to help me meet Lukas. Toby told Lukas his posse was there and Lukas lit up like a Christmas tree. He truely loves his Posse. He was very sweet talked with us and signed pics. I gave him a necklace and he put it on and wore it that night. He didn't have to do that, but that is the kind of man Lukas is. He is thoughtful and caring. I spent alot of time with Lukas and Kendra that night, I will never forget how special he made me feel. I will always be there for Lukas, start a new tour baby and I will follow. Lukas you are a Rockstar with a heart of gold!

Love ya,

KB said...

I could not have described it any better as to why I'm such a huge fan and what drew me to him. He is so true and pure to his peeps. He does not abuse or take for granted his talent and gift. What is there not to love? I can not sum him up in one word. I have not yet had the opportunity to meet him in person, but know and feel as though one day I will soon. I'm not star struck with him, I'm inspired and touched by him. I have met a whole new world of friends because of being a fan of his and I will cherish them as much as I do him. Very well written blog sweetie. Love Kelleigh

Anonymous said...

I would agree with MamaWatt, that it was something in Lukas' eyes that went straight to my heart and captured me immediately. There are so many sides to him, however, that I think it would take a lifetime to really get to know him. He certainly isn't perfect, but everything about him is so unique and just adds to the puzzle that is Lukas. He is definitely a rockstar that exudes sexiness and can strut his stuff, but as you said WATT, when you meet him after the concert is over, he comes across as being shy and sweet and sincerely interested in his fans. He seems to remember faces and names and genuinely loves his Posse! He is also very witty and has a wicked sense of humour and loves to tease:) I'm sure he would drive most of us crazy with his randomness and inability to concentrate without being distracted but it makes me laugh and on the other hand, I know that he can be completely professional, dedicated and passionate about his music. He is also loyal to his friends and loves his little Peanut. So, besides being an amazing musician he is also a pretty cool person:)

Sherri B. said...

Mama Watt could not have described it more perfectly. There is truly something in his eyes when Lukas sings...the emotion pours out of them, and you have to see it to believe it. Seeing it on the TV show was mesmerizing enough, but then being lucky enough to see it live was even more touching. Lukas is a rare breed -- no matter what song he's singing, he becomes the words. The music pours itself out of him...he's just along for the ride. But he takes something from it, too, and you can tell that music is as much a part of him as breathing. As he has said before, music is his best friend and has never let him down.

I love who Lukas is...he seems like a very multi-layered, complicated human being, and that's what makes him so fascinating! I relate so deeply to the pain and struggles he's had in his life, because like everyone, I've struggled in my own. My struggles are different from his, but they're struggles just the same. Hearing the raw emotion in his voice when he sings somehow eases my own troubles, and I really hope that when he sings, he feels better, too. I really think he does.

And, thank goodness he's not perfect...I wouldn't be able to relate to someone who was perfect. I connect with flawed people who show me they're human, because that perfectly describes who I am myself! I have so much to learn, and it's such a pleasure to enjoy this man's music as I go through my daily joys and struggles. His music calms me and helps my days feel better...his voice is my tonic for the stress of everyday life. lol

Oh, and I really, really hope to get the honor of meeting Lukas one day myself. That will be a day that stays in my memory banks forever. :~)

Pamela said...

I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Lukas yet. All I know is that when I listen to his music, something in his lyrics, his voice and the way he sings with such emotion and conviction just grabs a piece of my heart and makes it sing right along with him! I have a lot of friends who have met him and he has always been incredibly generous with his time, and his love for his fans.

Anyone can see the love and appreciation he has for his fans, it's in his blogs, his music, his bulletins he sends out to us, the special backstage tour video he did with B&G. He's reached out to us a lot, really more then what most fans would expect seeing as he is a busy man with a private life to boot.

Anonymous said...

The eyes...oh Mama Watt, you are so wise. The eyes are the window to the soul..right? And Lukas has also let us see his soul through his music. While like most of you I have not met Lukas myself. I believe that we all have been fortunate enough to meet him through his music. He doesn’t keep anything hidden when he writes and performs. His soul and emotions are out there for the world to see. Now we just have to find a way for the rest of the world to get a glimpse of the man that we all think is such a special artist so that they can “meet“ him too.

Anonymous said...

I'm finally back in the real ( cyber) World!

My first introduction to Lukas was at the very first 'Rockstar' taping at CBS studios.
I stood only 5 feet away from the 'rockerpod' watching all of the performances thinking...'what's up with the dude in all the makeup?'
When he finally took the stage and started singing, my mouth formed an 'O', and I thought...'THAT'S what's up!
I was hooked, in much the same way that we've all been hooked.
His music, vocal ability, stage 'swagger', and intensity are just the tip of the iceberg and I'm confident that we will be hearing MUCH MORE from him
in the very near future.

He was well aware at the tapings that I was a supporter, because of my 'signs' and....welll...vocal support!
We shared a few 'rushed' exchanges during the first few Weeks, but I was happy just being there confident about the outcome.

After he performed 'Hero', I was able to talk with him outside the studio for the first time.
He truly IS a performer who's there for the fans, and I will detail some examples of my first 'extended' conversation with him later.

Melinda (fab)