Wednesday, May 16, 2007

" This is the way I roll! " ~ $1 to Lukas Rossi ~

I just feel the need to separate fact from fiction:

Fact: I'm a die hard fan of INXS!

Fiction: I'm in love with JD Fortune! LOL!
Anyone who knows me well would realize the object my affection is the hot Aussie guitarist, Mr. Tim Farriss!

Fact: I am a fan of Lukas Rossi!

Fiction: I'm in love with Lukas Rossi!
While I love his music, I do not lust for Lukas. If I was twentysomething or hell even thirtysomething, I might entertain the thought...after all he is a sexy beast! Unfortunately, I cannot get past the fact that I was in high school when Lukas was barely out of diapers!

Fact: I'm a techno junkie and 'puter nerd.

Fiction: I spend 24/7 posting on message boards.
Wish I could spend more time with my posse and bsc peeps over at! I do spend most of my waking hours in front of a computer but I'm an accountant and well...that's what we do, crunch the numbers all day on a computer.

Fact: I go to lots of concerts.

Fiction: I'm chasing rockstars!
I do go to lots of concerts...lots of concerts! If there is an after-party offered to the fans..I go...why the hell wouldn't I?

Fact: We Are Thrown it or not...


Anonymous said...

WATT you roll on with your bad self. I am sure some people needed those things cleared up. For those of us that have had the pleasure of meeting you. We knew the answers you are one lady who knows how to have fun. Why not if you can!!! =)


Anonymous said...

WATT~ You said it perfectly.
All that I know is that wherever I end up, I see YOU!
We must have pretty frickin good taste in music and our musical adventures seem to take us to the same place...


* Bring it awwwn, my musical Soul Sister!


KB said...

WATT isn't that what life is about? Living it to it's fullest and having a fun time along the way. I look forward to seeing you on June 10th at the show. Rock on sista!!! Muuahh!!

Sherri B. said...

WATT, if I were single, I would be doing exactly what you're doing: traveling and enjoying every moment surrounded by good friends and incredible music. More power to you! You have it all figured out. :~)

Anonymous said...

We love you, WATT, and everything you do for your fellow Posse fans (and fellow INXS fans, too). Thank god you can go to so many concerts and keep the rest of us up-to-date on what is going on! You are a special person and anyone who has the pleasure of meeting you and hanging with you knows that! Have fun this time around and see you soon:)

dwhales2c said...

Kudos to you WATT for keeping the crack coming! I only wish I could afford to travel to as many shows (and NO, I'm not in love with him either - just the music!). Who cares what anyone else thinks as long as you are having fun!

Rock on! And enjoy the show(s)...I can only hope that he adds more east coast dates...

Anonymous said...

You have fun Watt. That's what you're supposed to. I still am, and I was probably in high school when you were in diapers. LoL You are a great persona and I miss chatting with you.
Keep up all the good vibes. We could all use them, with other negative vibes rolling through the atmosphere..........